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Managing Wellbeing Through Adversity

Well we are in a weird place right now aren't we?

Covid 19 has brought changes we didn't expect and our lives have been turned upside down and inside out.

The good news is we can still remain happy and well despite our current circumstances by making sure our mindset is working for us.

How do we do that?

Simply by turning our complaints into gratitude, challenge into opportunity, I can't into I can, and problems into solutions.

It's OK to feel scared, worried, sad and all the other emotions this will bring, but don't let your heart and mind linger on the problems for too long. Shift your brain into positive thoughts, because your thoughts create your feelings and your feelings then determine your actions. So if you want to feel good, you have to think good.

When we can’t control our circumstances, we can control our reactions and our attitude towards it.

Challenges always pass, but attitudes can take hold and cause bitterness that stays with us long after the dust has settled.

Remember this - You have survived 100% of everything you have faced so far, and you will survive this. You will again come out stronger, more resilient and learn new ways to problem solve, like you have every other time.

Here are my top tips to manage your wellbeing during challenges;

1. Self-care - make you a priority and give yourself lots of love and time out for you

2. Routine - try and keep as much of a routine as possible in your day and if you are working from home, make sure you get dressed.

3. Mindfulness and meditation - google some ways to practice mindfulness and/or meditations for at least 10 minutes, twice a day

4. Exercise - this helps with physical and emotional wellbeing

5. Stay connected - even if it's just via video calls for now, the more the better

- finding everything you can to be grateful for even when it’s hard, will help strengthen your brain's positivity bias to keep your 'happy feels' up and keep your brain trained to continuously show you the good.

This won't last forever so just enjoy the rest and time to reflect before we go back to the busy.

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